Verifying 0x818b4 (530612) bytes 0x00000000 in flash against esp8266-20160910-v1.8.4-9-gdd0e6dd.bin.ĭisconnect from USB, remove “flashing mode bridge” and connect it to USB back and new firmware should boot. $ -p /dev/tty.wchusbserial410 -b 115200 erase_flashĭisconnect if from USB and connect it back (reset). Then you should be able to clean flash and write firmware: After restart you can connect it with ESP-01 on it to USB and see what device was added to /dev (on UNIX systems), it should be lomethink. It is build around CH340 chip what usually needs to install drivers on a computer. You can be creative how you wire GPIO 0 to GND, just it is good to make it reversible, because you probably will need to boot it also in normal mode. This board has everything you need to communicate with ESP8266 by USB over serial TTY. Or attach a small button to the underside: Some convertors of this kind has switch for it, but most does not have so usually you have to wire GPIO 0 to GND by yourself. Advantages of USB Using a USB connection provides a way to connect many different devices, such as all-in-one products, scanners, cameras, and drives, by using a common connection. If you want to load some alternative firmware into it you have to boot into flashing mode. Unless the all-in-one software is already installed on the computer when the all-in-one product is connected, Windows stores the wrong device driver information.